ES Computable Strategy Group (ECSG)

This Research Group is at the forefront of exploring innovative approaches to enhance the implementation of computable strategy models in healthcare environmental services. Comprising multidisciplinary experts in healthcare management, environmental sciences, computer science, and cognitive technologies, this group collaborates to develop and implement cutting-edge strategic models and computational techniques to optimize environmental services in healthcare settings.

Key objectives and research areas of this specialized group include:
  •  Computable Strategy ModelsDeveloping computable strategy models that capture the complex interplay between environmental services, healthcare operations, and strategic objectives. These models provide a structured framework for formulating, evaluating, and optimizing strategies for environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and regulatory compliance in healthcare facilities.

By pursuing these research interests, this Research Group aims to advance the state-of-the-art in strategic management and decision support for healthcare environmental services. Through collaborative research, innovation, and knowledge exchange, this group contributes to improving environmental sustainability, operational efficiency, and patient safety in healthcare facilities worldwide.