ES Computational Quality Group (ECQG)

This Multidisciplinary Research Group on Computational Models of Healthcare Environmental Services Quality Management is at the forefront of advancing research at the intersection of computational science and healthcare quality management. This group brings together experts from various disciplines such as computer science, healthcare management, environmental science, and quality assurance to develop innovative computational models and tools for optimizing the quality of environmental services in healthcare settings.

Key objectives and research areas of this multidisciplinary group include:
  •  Development of Computational ModelsThe group focuses on developing sophisticated computational models that simulate and analyze various aspects of healthcare environmental services quality management. These models incorporate factors such as cleaning protocols, infection control measures, resource allocation, and environmental monitoring to predict and optimize service quality outcomes.

Through their collaborative research efforts, the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Computational Models of Healthcare Environmental Services Quality Management aims to advance the science and practice of healthcare quality management, ultimately enhancing the safety, cleanliness, and effectiveness of environmental services in healthcare settings. By leveraging computational models and advanced analytics, this group contributes to improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare-associated infections, and optimizing resource utilization in healthcare facilities.