Computable Organizational Behavior Group (COBG)

This research group focused on computational models for organizational behavior in healthcare institutions is dedicated to advancing our understanding of how organizational dynamics, decision-making processes, and human behavior influence the delivery of healthcare services. Comprised of experts from diverse fields such as computational social science, organizational psychology, healthcare management, and data analytics, this interdisciplinary group explores innovative computational approaches to model, simulate, and optimize organizational behavior within healthcare settings.

Key objectives and research areas of this specialized group include:
  •  Agent-Based Modeling of Organizational DynamicsDeveloping agent-based models to simulate the behavior of individuals, teams, and departments within healthcare organizations. These models capture factors such as communication patterns, collaboration networks, decision-making processes, and resource allocation strategies to understand how organizational dynamics emerge, evolve, and impact overall performance and effectiveness.

Through their collaborative research efforts, the group aims to leverage computational models to inform evidence-based management practices, improve organizational effectiveness, and enhance the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare delivery. By advancing our understanding of organizational behavior within healthcare institutions, this research contributes to shaping the future of healthcare management and organizational design, ultimately benefiting patients, providers, and healthcare systems as a whole.