Concurrent Planning Group (CNPG)

The Efficient Task Planning and Resource Allocation Research Group is dedicated to advancing the field of task planning and resource allocation through the utilization of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. Comprised of experts in machine learning, probabilistic networks, optimization techniques, and ontology-based task definition, this interdisciplinary group aims to develop innovative solutions to optimize task planning and resource allocation processes across various domains.

Key objectives and research areas of this specialized group include:
  •  Concurrent Planning NetworksDeveloping concurrent planning networks that enable the simultaneous planning and execution of multiple tasks in dynamic and uncertain environments. These networks leverage probabilistic reasoning and decision-making algorithms to generate adaptive plans that can respond to changing conditions and constraints in real-time.

By pursuing these research interests, this Research Group aims to advance the state-of-the-art in strategic management and decision support for By pursuing these research interests, the Efficient Task Planning and Resource Allocation Research Group aims to advance the state-of-the-art in task planning and resource allocation, improve decision-making processes, and enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness across a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, transportation, and beyond. Through collaborative research, innovation, and knowledge dissemination, this group contributes to addressing real-world challenges and driving positive impact in society.