Computational Infection Control Models

Healthcare Environmental Service Map

Environmental Services Maturity Model

Holistic ES Tradeoff Model


The primary aim of the Healthcare Environmental Services Automation Society (HESAS) is to establish a collaborative environment geared towards ongoing innovation and the development of proactive solutions to combat Healthcare Acquired Infection (HAI). This involves the meticulous and iterative creation of numerous open standards for computable Environmental Services (ES) processes, computational infection control frameworks, operational ES frameworks, quality models, strategy-driven execution frameworks, rigorous risk management frameworks, computational epistemological artifacts, and so forth. The working groups within HESAS facilitate efficient collaboration and optimize the continual progression of open standards for computational environmental services and infection control.

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Our Mission

  •  Develop a set of computation models to resolve ES chronic impediments
  •  Tailor multiple standards to create optimal fused executable ES standard
  •  Provide a platform to promote ES innovation
  •  Provide rigorous training and certification programs

Hesas Standard


Hesas Training

Hesas Certification

  •  Certified ES Technology (CEST)
  •  Certified ES Process Professional (CEPP)
  •  Certified ES Epistemologist (CESE)
  •  Certified ES Architect (CESA)